Digital IO / Trigger
To connect Digital IO, please refer to the Pin Assignment of the M12 connector on the PV-50C Smart Camera.
Connecting trigger to the camera
To connect a trigger to the PV-50C, please refer to the pin assignment of the M12 connector and connect wire the trigger to the pin number 3 - IN1 (Camera Line 1) and then set the camera to trigger mode in the next step.
Setting camera to trigger mode
To set the camera into trigger mode go to the camera tab and select settings.
Then go to Acquisition Control
Set Trigger Mode to ON.
Trigger Source to Line1 which refers to IN1 (Camera Line 1) on the Pin Assignment.
Trigger Activation based on your preference. To RisingEdge if you want to trigger camera when trigger is received.
Digital Output
OUT1 is reserved for Industrial Light control.
To wire Digital Outputs, please refer to pin assignment.
Available Digital Output pins are:
Pin #6 - OUT2
Pin #7 - OUT3
Pin #9 - OUT4
Outputs are set after image inference is done. Example:
Image is triggered, trained models are processed and only then output is set.
Always - On every inference, the output is set.
Good - when the current inference (image) is evaluated as OK based on your module setting, only then the output is set.
Bad - when the current inference (image) is evaluated as NG based on your module setting, only then the output is set.
Set outputs
ON - Output is in use. On inference, set to ON state.
OFF - Output is in use. On inference, set to OFF state.
None - Output not in use.