Camera Integration

Camera Integration

Direct Camera Setup

The camera is directly connected to PEKAT VISION (GenICam camera).

This is the easiest option, PEKAT VISION processes camera input in a loop.

The user must enable the camera and define evaluation rules (output).

Visit our articles regarding Supported Cameras and Multi-Camera Setup for detailed information.

Script Setup - SDK, LabVIEW & HTTP API

Additional software is used to capture images.

In this scenario, PEKAT VISION software is middleware and requires 3 steps:

STEP 1 - Send Images to PEKAT VISION

In the first step, the user has 3 options:

Option 1 - PEKAT VISION GitHub SDK - Python, .NET and C++ supported

Option 2 - LabVIEW Plugin

Option 3 - You can send images through HTTP API, you can find some examples here

STEP 2 - PEKAT VISION processes images

PEKAT VISION returns JSON data related to the project.

STEP 3 - The script from step 1 processes the response

The response includes information about the objects and overall evaluation.


You can use the Inspection tab for debugging.



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