Augmentation Glossary

Horizontal Flip & Vertical Flip

The augmentations Vertical Flip and Horizontal Flip are recommended when the target images are not standardized/homogeneous part (fabric, wood/metallic surface, bulk products, eg. visual inspection of pills on a conveyor, foreign body detection in a bulk pile, etc., using ‘Horizontal/Vertical Flip’ augmentation, may improve detection of defects). 

It mirrors the images vertically & horizontally and adds the modified images to the training set in order to improve accuracy and robustness. 

However, this would not be recommended for instance, when inspecting defects on static visual inspection, such as PCB (Printed Circuit Boards), where the orientation of the parts is being checked.

Width shift (min 0, max 100)

A shift to the left or right will occur.

Height shift (min 0, max 100)

A shift up or down will occur.

Color jittering (min 0, max 50)

Color jittering augmentation adjusts the color of RGB image, with a selected value. This augmentation may be suitable for cases where images have a wide range of colors or shades.

It has been effectively used in previous cases, where for example, the image’s background was very dark and we were attempting to detect holes for a target part.

Number of training cycles (min 1)

The more, the better.

Averagely, 3-5 training cycles are enough for good results, however, sometimes up to 10 cycles may be required for optimal results.

If you increase the number of training cycles substantially, training time will increase considerably

If the differences between OK and Defective images are not very significant, is recommended to increase the number of training cycles.

We recommend testing more training options and evaluating which model gives the best results.

Resistance to deviation (min 0, max 100)

Resistance to Deviation can be described as a fine tune tool, when its value is increased it will ignore detection of small defects. This augmentation should be implemented, when there’s presence of a lot of false positives. In summary, it can be used to ignore noise or other deviation in the image.

Attention: Please note that other settings may be the actual cause of false positives. Therefore, only attempt to change this augmentation value when you made sure the correct best practices were done overall for your project.

Brightness resistance (min 0, max 100)

The name itself is suggestive, it’s a value to alter the resistance to brightness within the picture, in other words, it’s the resistance to changes in lighting.

Brightness Resistance values should be increased if you think the lighting is affecting the software’s ability to identify defects due to the brightness/lightness changes on the images.

Shear (min 0, max 360)

Object can be skewed by a given factor in the direction of x or y axis.

Saturation Resistance (min 0, max 100)

Saturation is the strength or purity of the color and represents the amount of gray in proportion to the hue. A "saturated" color is pure and an "unsaturated" color has a large percentage of gray.