If you have the use of API enabled with our PEKAT license you can send images to project through scripts. For the project to process the images you send to it however, you first need to configure it correctly.
Input provider
For the project to accept images you send to it using scripts, you need to select API in the provider field:
IP address
Once you have the provider switched to API, you need to choose the corect IP adress. The IP address in the Host field tells PEKAT from which source it should expect the incoming images and requests. You should set the Host field to the IP address of the device from which you will be communicating with the project (since you don’t have to run your script from the same device on which you are running the project).
If you’re running the script on the same device on which you’re running the project, it’s fine to leave the Host field with the default value ( since that is the “localhost” IP address
Analyze incoming images
Finally, the project will Analyze the incoming images only if you have the corresponding button ticked on. The button is on the top right of the window.
You should check if it’s on each time you do some changes to the project, since to modify the used modules you need to have the image analyzing turned off.