Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Auto-start - If enabled, this project is started automatically after starting Pekat.


Secure Image Analyze feature is designed to prevent unauthorized access to API. All requests to the API for this project must contain this key to be processed, so that only the ones who know the key can use it.


Running project


GPU Index - For computers with multiple GPUs attached, the index specifies what GPU is going to be used for the selected project. In single GPU systems keep the Index at 0.

To find the GPU index open a Console or PowerShell and run the following command:

Code Block
nvidia-smi -L

This will return a list of GPUs connected to the system and their indexes.


Running project



After starting the project, project GUI is displayed, if you wish to access the project through the web browser, click on the URL displayed, and close PEKAT VISION GUI.


PORT IS ALLOCATED error message is displayed if a port is already allocated

Image RemovedGUI port allocated.pngImage Added

Examples of port values recommended running multiple projects: 8010, 8020, 8030, …

PEKAT VISION allows several projects to run simultaneously. However, however, GPU consumption must be considered when running several projects.

For more information on GPU consumption, contact support at PEKAT VISION Customer Portal or at

Project List Options


Image Removed

  • Export - exports a project

  • as a .zip

  • file.

  • Copy - duplicates a project in projects manager.

  • Show path - shows a windows path to the project location

  • Logger - enables you to download the log file for the specific project.

Image Removedinfo
  • Remove - removes a project

  • from the list in the projects manager GUI (does not delete).

  • Delete - deletes a project from the projects manager GUI and

  • project folder data.

GUI logger.pngImage Added

Starter settings


  • Language - sets the language of the project manager

  • Kiosk mode, Operator

view only
  • View Only - fullscreen mode, allows access only to

  • operator view

, nothing else from the project.

PEKAT VISION needs to be restarted after enabling Kiosk mode for it to take effect.

  • Run on PC startup - starts Pekat when PC is turned on

  • Access from -

  • IP address for remote access

. You can use this address to connect to the remote PC through your browser for PCs within the same local network.
License - enables you to view
  • to the projects manager and other projects

  • License - shows specific details of your license

and to manually activate it.
  • , available licenses: License Types

  • Logger - enables you to download log

  • files for the PEKAT application


Kiosk mode - PEKAT VISION needs to be restarted for the change to take effect

Kiosk mode - Example of usage

A typical scenario where we can use most of these features is if we want to use Kiosk mode is to show information to operators on the production line through Operator View, but don’t want them to be able to access other things in Pekat or other deny the operators access to other Pekat features or different applications.

We use Use the Kiosk mode with Operator View Only to show Pekat always in fullscreen and do not allow any other operations within the project than displaying Operator View.

Setting Run on PC startup can be used to always start automatically run Pekat when after turning on the PC at the start of the day.

Projects Manager through Command Line [Windows]
