Image Saver
Image Saver can be used to save images at some point during the evaluation flow (if the evaluation flow is active).
You have to set the directory to which the images will be saved.
In the Image Saver module, you can choose what types of images to save:
Those evaluated as NG
Those evaluated as OK
Or Both
Then you can choose whether to also save the context of an image. If you have this option ticked, a JSON file will be saved to the same folder with the same name as the image.
Then are options to save the image with heatmaps and annotations (rectangles) that were detected on the image. (Heatmaps from anomaly and rectangles from other modules).
Save Location
Then an important and required configuration option is to specify a folder to which the images will be saved. In this folder, the image saver will create a subfolder for the current day and if the option is ticked, that subfolder will contain more subfolders by hours.
For example, with path like “C:\Users\pekat\Desktop\saved_images“ in the final folder named saved images will be subfolders for different dates, e.g 2024-11-26 and if the “Create subfolder by hour“ option is ticked, then the date folder will contain subfolder by hour, e.g. “13”. So the full path where the images are saved can be for example “C:\Users\pekat\Desktop\saved_images\2024-11-26\13“.
You can also specify a prefix with which the images will be saved.
Auto Delete
If you tick the “Delete images after number of days“ option, the image saver will automatically delete folders with images older than the threshold, which you can specify in the “Days“ text field.