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PEKAT VISION application is project-oriented.


You can run and work with several independent projects simultaneously.


Each project runs on its own network port and can be accessed from remote computers and managed without any restrictions.


Managing and running projects can be performed through

both graphical user interface

GUI, as well as a console application


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Create New Project


When PEKAT VISION is launched, there are buttons which enable you to Create a new project, Open project or Import project.

Open Project

- creates a new project in projects manager and PEKAT VISION projects folder <C:\Users\User1\PekatVisionProjects\Project1>

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Open Project - allows you to open an existing project


folder in any location on disk

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Import Project -enables you to import a project

which was exported by PEKAT VISION software previously.

Clicking on the button with three dots enables you to Export, Copy, Remove (from project list) or Delete (deletes project files).


Remove function removes the project only from the UI in Projects Manager


Delete function deletes project data directly from projects folder


Copy function duplicates a project within Projects Manager


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When you click on a project, a pop-up window shows, in which you can change the project Name and select the Port which the project will be running.

If the port is busy, the application notifies you to select another one, we recommend to choose a port number 10 points higher than the previous one.

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To launch the project, click the ‘START’ button. In case remote access is enabled, an URL will be displayed to access the application using a web browser.


Only one project can run on each port.



Once a project is Created, Opened or Imported, the project appears in the project list.

Secure Image Analyze

If you check Secure Image Analyze option, our technolgy will encode images, providing a secure communication.


Console Project Management

The application has two modes: creating and launching a project. The necessary arguments are described in the Help.

Code Block
.\pekat-cmd.exe create -h
usage: pekat-cmd create [-h] -d DATA -n NAME

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -d DATA, --data DATA  Project dir
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Project name
Code Block
.\pekat-cmd.exe start -h
usage: pekat-cmd start [-h] [-p PORT] -d DATA [-n NETWORK] [-l LOG]

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Starting port
  -d DATA, --data DATA  Project dir
  -l LOG, --log LOG     Show all logs (y/n)
  -P PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Administration password
  -key API_KEY, --api_key API_KEY
                        Image analyze only with API key

Project Management in Local Machine vs Network Host

The Project Management

export .zip file (previously exported project)

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Start Project - Starts an existing project

Project window

Stopped project



Name - User is able to rename an existing project


Port - Port 8000 is the default for each project in the projects manager


Auto-start - If enabled, this project is started automatically after starting Pekat


Secure Image Analyze feature is designed to prevent unauthorized access to API. All requests to the API for this project must contain this key to be processed, so that only the ones who know the key can use it.


Running project



After starting the project, project GUI is displayed, if you wish to access the project through the web browser, click on the URL displayed, and close PEKAT VISION GUI


PORT IS ALLOCATED error message is displayed if a port is already allocated

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Examples of port values recommended running multiple projects: 8010, 8020, 8030,…

PEKAT VISION allows several projects to run simultaneously, however, GPU consumption must be considered when running several projects.

For more information on GPU consumption, contact support at PEKAT VISION Customer Portal or at

Project List Options



Export -exports a project (.zip)


Copy -duplicates a project in projects manager


Remove -removes a project only from the projects manager GUI


Delete - deletes a project from projects manager GUI and deletes project folder data

Starter settings



Password - you can set a password that will be required when accessing project manager.


Language - sets language of project manager


Remote sync - enables accessing projects from remote PC - showing the remote project list, downloading projects from remote to local PC, copying projects from local to remote PC


Kiosk mode - fullscreen mode
Operator view only - allows to access only operator view, nothing else from the project


PEKAT VISION needs to be restarted after enabling Kiosk mode for it to take effect


Run on PC startup - starts Pekat when PC is turned on


Access from - the address for remote access. You can use this address for “Remote sync” function or to connect to the remote PC through your browser (for PCs within the same network).

Example of usage

Typical scenario where we can use most of these features is if we want to show information to operators on the production line through Operator View, but don’t want them to be able to access other things in Pekat or other applications.

We use the “Kiosk mode” to show Pekat always in fullscreen, and with the “Operator View Only” option we don’t allow any other operations within the project than showing Operator View. We can also set a password that is required when trying to access the project manager through the button in project, so that unauthorized personnel cannot manipulate with projects etc. Setting “Run on PC startup” can be used to always start Pekat when turning on the PC at the start of the day.

“Remote sync” can be used for downloading projects from some powerful PC that is used for training to less powerful PC / embedded device on the production line which only uses the trained model to evaluate if products are good/bad.


Projects Manager through Command Line [Windows]

Visit this page for more information: Working with PEKAT VISION through CMD in Windows

Projects Manager through Terminal [Linux]

Visit this page for more information: Working with PEKAT VISION through Ubuntu terminal

Local Machine vs Network Host - Projects Manager


Projects manager can be hosted on a network, so customers can connect through a browser.


By default, the application runs only on the local machine.



Argument --network


enables network access



Code Block
 ./pekat-web -h 
usage: pekat-web-starter [-h] [-v] [-p PORT] [-n] [-P PASSWORD] [-l] [-dc]

PEKAT VISION online projects starter

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -v, --version         Show program's version number and exit.
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Starting port
  -n, --network         Network access
  -P PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password access
  -l, --log             Show all logs
  -dc, --disable_concurrent
                        Allows to run only 1 project at a time
  -dcode, --disable_code
                        Disable code module. Higher security.