To calculate the statistics , you first you need to have the “Evaluation“ button ticked and you need to classify
Status | ||||
Status | ||||
To be able to calculate all statistics, it is necessary to enable evaluation in any active module. If the no evaluation is not enabled, only the processing times are computed for annotated images.enabled the following warning message will pop up:
However, you can still calculate the evaluation times even without evaluation being active in any module. You just need to tick off the “Evaluation“ button and choose the images you want to include into the statistics:
Information in statistics
The statistics result shows a Confusion Confuxion Matrix confusion matrix, which illustrates how the predicted (evaluated by application) and actual (annotated for statistics) results correspond (or do not) to each other.
Equals percentage of images evaluated as ‘Good’ by the application that were classified as ‘Good’ by the user.
Additionally, the statistics show information about evaluation time. namely the average time for evaluation of a single image, the minimal time it took to evaluate one image and the maximal time it took to evaluate a single image (among the ones annotated in the report display).
Download report
After the statistics are successfully calculated, you can create an automatically generated report. The resulting report will be in HTML format.
Choose the amount of images to be included (if not all a random subset of images is selected, this subset still honors the total split between training and testing images, meaning if, among all of the modules 40% of images are used for training, then 40% of images in the report will be training)
Decide on displaying training or only testing images
Change the maximum image size - images in the report will be scaled to that size.
Show statistics like - recall, precision, confusion matrix, processing time
Show the modules used in the flow
Set default language (this can also be later changed inside the report)