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Comment: images update


The following modifications are available in this module:



Cut lets you crop the image manually from all four sides or by drawing a rectangle.



Scale lets you adjust the resolution of the image.



You can rotate all images by a specified angle.


Background normalization serves for unifying colors.



This function blurs the picture and reduces noise. Details in the OpenCV documentation.


Canny edge detector focuses only on the edges of the objects. You can set the Threshold value to highlight the edges. Details in the OpenCV documentation.


cannyedge1.pngImage Addedcannyedge2.pngImage Added

Remove background

Remove background function can help you with focusing only on the main object. Offers two types of background removal (histogram and canny), and each can be useful for different kinds of images. The ‘Canny Canny background removal’ removal uses canny edge detectordilation, and erosion.


remove1.pngImage Addedremove2.pngImage Added


Unifies the position and angle of objects or just puts the angle of the object into Context (if this option is ticked). Remove background that needs to be used before Unifier and have the same background color selected.


Finds the biggest circle in the image (found circle can be seen in the left image showing the ‘Stage 1’ Stage 1 layer of polar transform), then transforms it using polar coordinates. ‘Minimal Minimal distance between circles’ circles can be used to adjust how many circles will be found by defining a minimum distance that needs to be between their centers. The ‘inverse inverse ratio of the accumulator/image resolution’ resolution is used to adjust accumulator resolution (the lower the ratio, the higher the accumulator resolution). Details in the OpenCV documentation for Hough circles and polar warp.


Converts the image into a different color space (HLS, HSV, YUV, LAB, or GRAY). Details in the OpenCV documentation.


Adjust gamma

This function lets you adjust the gamma value.


Camera calibration

This function can be used to remove some camera-related distortions of the image.


Some transformations use a parameter called ‘Kernel size’ Kernel size, which determines the size of the matrix of surrounding pixels, which are taken into consideration when computing the transformation in a given pixel.



The standard values from 1 to 10 can be set using the slider, but e.g. for the Erosion and Dilation functions you can set even a larger number of iterations by simply typing the desired number in the input field.


Using the ‘Active’ Active checkbox, the whole module can be enabled or disabled. You can also enable/disable each function individually. When a new module or individual function is created, it is automatically set as active.


Individual functions are applied one after another from the top. You can change the order of the functions so that they suit your needs best, just drag and drop them to the right place. If you want to see how the image looks after applying individual active modifications (and its stages in some cases), you can change layers using the button at the top, which is set to ‘Show Show all layers’ layers by default.