When you choose the polygon mode, you left-click into the image to define the vertices of the polygon, which are being connected with a line in the order you put them in. When you're satisfied with the shape, click on the initial point marked with a circle, which joins the last vertex with the first one and fills the polygon with the chosen color. Polygons work in the erase mode as well.
It is used to include the selected image for training if it does not contain any defects. The picture does not fall into one any of the classes which were created, its whole surface is marked as defect-free.
Detects a wide range of defects, however, can suffer from a higher amount of false positives (good parts evaluated as bad by the software) , - adjusting the Confidence threshold after training can help reduce this.
Faster inference and training.
In this case Feature size is too big to produce a heatmap without filling in the holes. However, it is optimal if we only need to find the rough shape, this way the performance is better.
Model Verification
You can verify the quality of the model by consulting the https://pekatvision.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB32/pages/edit-v2/934186628#Surface-Detector-confusion-matrix.